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Clinical Symptoms of Parkinson

Clinical symptoms
Although symptoms are presented below not only belong to people with Parkinson's disease, Parkinson's sufferers usually experience it.

1. Motor symptoms
a. tremor
Symptoms of Parkinson's disease often escape from the ordinary sight, and is regarded as an ordinary thing occurs in older people. One hallmark of Parkinson's disease is a hand tremors (shaking) if it is resting. However, if the person is asked to do something, the vibration was not seen again. That's called a resting tremor, which disappeared when sleep. Tremor also found on the fingers, tremors metacarpofalangis rough on the joints, sometimes tremors such as counting coins or scavenged (pill rolling). On the hand joints flexion-extension or pronation-supination in the foot flexion-extension, head flexion-extension or shook his head, mouth open to close, tongue lolling out-interested. This tremor disappeared breaks and intense emotions aroused time (resting / alternating tremor). Tremor not only occurs on the hands or feet, but can also occur on the eyelids and eyeballs, lips, tongue and fingers (such as people counting money). All this occurred during recess / unknowingly. In fact, the patient's head can be swayed if not doing the activity (unconsciously). That is, if realized, could stop tremors. At first tremor occurred only on one side, but the more severe the disease, tremors can occur on both sides.
b. Rigidity / stiffness
Another sign is the stiffness (rigidity). If the tremors fist is driven (by others) is slowly upwards resting on the wrist, there was such resistance through a toothed wheel so that the motion be broken / dotted. In addition to the hands and feet, stiffness it can also occur in the neck. Due to the stiffness, the movements become smooth again like break-dancing. Rigid motion makes the patient will walk with a hunched posture. To maintain its center of gravity to keep from falling, the pace is fast but shallow. Hipertoni presence on extensor and flexor muscles hipertoni whole movement, this is due to increased activity by alpha motorneuron, the phenomenon of toothed wheels (cogwheel phenomenon).
c.Akinesia / Bradykinesia
Both of the above symptoms are usually still less attention to signs of akinesia / bradykinesia appeared. Movement of people with a slow-paced. In the daily work can be seen in the Writings / signatures Become Smaller, harder wearing clothes, step into a short and dragged. Awareness still good, so people can Become depressed (stress) due to the disease. The face became expressionless. Wink and glance of the eye is reduced, a small voice, swallowing reflex is reduced, so often out of water liur.Gerakan volunteer to be slow so that the reduced associative movement, for example, difficult to wake up from a chair, difficulty starting to walk, slow retrieve an object, when speaking of motion of the tongue and lips become slow. Bradykinesia result in reduced expression of the face and expression and decreased spontaneous movement, such as face masks, eye blink is reduced, the reduced motion so that the saliva swallowed like out of the mouth.
d. Suddenly Stopped or Hesitate to Stepping
Another symptom is freezing, which stops in place when going to start moving, walking, or a U-turn; and start hesitation, that is hesitant to start moving. Can also occur frequent urination, and constipation. Patients with a slow thinking and depression.
e. Micrografia
Handwriting gradually became small and close together, in some cases this is an early symptom.
f. Step and gait (stance Parkinson)
Walking with small steps and getting a quick shift (marchea petit pas), locally advanced head flexed to chest, shoulders bent forward, her back arched when walking.
g. talk monotonous
This is due to bradykinesia and rigidity of respiratory muscles, vocal cords, laryngeal muscles, so when speaking or utter words that monotonous with subtle volume (whisper voice) is slow.
h. Dimentia
A change in mental status during the course of their illness with cognitive deficits.
i. behavioral disorders
Gradually become dependent (dependent on others), easily frightened, less assertive attitude, depression. This way of thinking and slow response to the question (bradifrenia) usually still be able to give correct answers, if given enough time.
j. Other symptoms
Both eyes blinking fiercely on palpation above the bridge of his nose (a sign of positive Myerson)

2. Non-motor symptoms
excessive Sweat
a. -Autonomous dysfunction, excessive saliva, sphincter disturbances and orthostatic hypotension. Especially incontinence, oily skin and seborrheic dermatitis-Spending a lot of urine, Altered sexual function disorders, characterized by the weakening of sexual desire, behavior, orgasm.
b. Mood disorders, Patients Often experience depression. Cognitive disturbances, slow response to stimuli
c. Sleep disorders, Patients have difficulty sleeping (insomnia)


  1. Whether true or not, usually a former boxer who suffered from this disease?! why?

  2. have a felicitous weekend to you..

  3. It is important to realize that not every person with Parkinson's develops all signs or symptoms of the disease. For example, some people experience tremor as the primary symptom, while others may not have tremor but do have balance problems. Also, for some people the disease progresses quickly, and in others it does not.

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