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Indonesian name for Carbuncle is BISUL, so what is Carbuncle? Carbuncle is an abscess larger than a boil, usually with one or more openings draining pus onto the skin. It is usually caused by bacterial infection. Most carbuncles are caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. The infection is contagious and may spread to other areas of the body or other people. A carbuncle is made up of several skin boils.
The infected mass is filled with fluid, pus, and dead tissue. Fluid may drain out of the carbuncle, but sometimes the mass is so deep that it cannot drain on its own. Carbuncles  may develop anywhere, but they are most common on the back and then ape of the neck. Men get carbuncles more often than women. Because the condition is contagious, family members may develop carbuncles at the same time. Often, the direct cause of a carbuncle cannot be determined. Things that make carbuncle infections more likely include friction from clothing or shaving, generally poor hygiene and weakening of immunity. For example, persons with diabetes  and immune system diseases are more likely to develop staphylococcal infections.


The carbuncle may be the size of a pea or as large as a golf  ball. It may be red and irritated and might hurt when touched. It may also grow very fast and have a white or yellow center. It may crust or spread to other skin areas. Sometimes, other symptoms may occur. These may include fatigue, fever and general discomfort or sick feeling. Sometimes an itching occurs before the carbuncle develops.

Abcess Carbuncle
How to threat Carbuncle?
Carbuncles usually must drain before they will heal. This most often occurs on its own in less than 2 weeks. Placing a warm moist cloth on the carbuncle helps it to drain, which speeds healing. The affected area should be soaked with a warm, moist cloth several times each day. The carbuncle should not be squeezed, or cut open without medical supervision, as this can spread and worsen the infection. Treatment is needed if the carbuncle lasts longer than 2weeks, returns frequently, is located on the spine or the middle of the face, or occurs along with a fever or other symptoms. Treatment helps reduce complications related toan infection. A doctor may prescribe antibacterial soaps and antibiotics applied to the skin or taken by mouth. Deep orlarge lesions may need to be drained by a health professional. Proper hygiene is very important to prevent the spread of infection. Hands should always be washed thoroughly after touching a carbuncle. Washcloths and towels should not be shared or reused. Clothing, washcloths, towels, and sheets or other items that contact infected areas should be washed in very hot (preferably boiling) water. Bandages should be changed frequently and thrown away in a tightly-closed bag.


  1. pling nggak nyaman klo dpet yang ginian :) hiiih..

    1. yah namanya juga penyakit kang, pasti gak nyaman, hehehehe, terima kasih telah komeng

  2. what ? look at the second grp of the image, that carbuncel was on the belly

  3. kalo gue daripada bisul mendingan kaya dah..

    1. betul oom guru. kaya juga lebih mending daripada bodoh. terima kasih telah komeng

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Replies
    1. wah apanya yang ngilu kang Dena? hehehehe, makasih telah komeng :D

  6. emang ga enak klo dah liat yg namanya bisul ni..
    apalagi yg kenak d pantat..
    hahaha kesian kali lah..

    1. untung di pantat, bagaimana kalo di anus, wah lebih susah tuh. hehehehehe

  7. wew bicara masalah bisul
    ane pernah timbul bisu di kaki, duh sakitnya untung saja gak di pantat,..bisa-bisa teringat film keluarga pak markum neh
    pasti ente2 tau khan sob, he he he

    1. wah drama serial lama ya Pak? di TVRI kalo gak salah. hehehe makasih dah komeng

  8. iihh.. sangat tidak menyenangkan nih penyakit.. sangat mengganggu soB! ><

    1. yah klo mengganggu sih iya, tapi kalo sangat mengganggu sih tidak, hehehehehe. disimpan sakit, dibuang sayang. hohohohohoh

  9. Replies
    1. iya kang, serem kaya nonton film-nya Suzanna ama Bokir. hehehehe makasih dah berkunjung dan komeng Kang Djangkaru

  10. what actualy picture number 4? is that... ehm, hehehe

    thanks for your sharing. :D

    1. yeah thats upper pubish area or lower abdomen. thanks for focus at pic number 4. hehehehehe

  11. Replies
    1. so do i my friend, but this sicknes love us. so what do you think? should we accept its love?

  12. hehe.. kayanya saya belumpernah ngerasain tuh... :D

  13. Kalo menurut saya itu bukan Bisul, itu jerawat batu.

  14. ini semcam bisul yach sobat...

  15. Kelihatanya bisul penyakit sepele tapi deritanya tiada ahir. terimakasih infonya

  16. Ada Mbah Dukun sedang ngobatin pasiennya, xixi....

  17. Ada Mbah dukun sedang ngobatin pasiennya, xixi...


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