Guillain Barre Syndrome Therapy and Treatment

In most patients can heal itself. treatment general is symptomatic. Although it is said that this disease can be cured itself, should be considered a long treatment time and number of disability ( sequelae ) high enough so that the treatment should still be given. The goal of therapy particular is to reduce disease severity and speed healing through the immune system ( immunotherapy ).

Most studies suggest that the use of steroid preparations is not has a value of / is not useful for therapy of GBS.

Plasmaparesis or plasma exchange aims to remove factors circulating autoantibodies. Plasmaparesis usage at GBS shows the results good, in the form of a more rapid clinical improvement, the use of the tools of breath fewer, and shorter treatment time. treatment is by replacing the 200-250 ml plasma / kg in 7-14 days. Plasmaparesis more beneficial when given during the initial symptom onset ( first week ).

Immunosuppressant treatment:
1. IV immunoglobulin
Treatment with gamma globulin is more profitable intervena compared plasmaparesis because of side effects / complications lighter. dose maintenance 0.4 g / kg weight / day for 3 days followed by dose maintenance 0.4 g / kg weight / day every 15 days until healed.
2. cytotoxic drugs
Sitotoxic drug delivery is recommended:
a. 6 mercaptopurin (6- MP )
b. azathioprine
c. cyclophosphamid
Side effects of these medications include: alopecia, vomiting, nausea and pain head.


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